Leasing Solutions for Not-For-Profit Fleets

Reduce business risk and the administrative burden with an Operating Lease.We offer finance solutions for all vehicle types, including assets that require a specialised build or fit-out.

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We appreciate the value that Not-For-Profits bring to our community. As part of our commitment to you, we will do more than finance your fleet. We will provide our consultancy service at no additional costs and offer you our quality service and advice to guide you through the various options that are right for your organisation.

Leasing Services – Making the Right Choice

To help guide you through the lease and vehicle selection process, we will provide meaningful information and analysis of your fleet to make your decision easier and with confidence.

Lease Selection – Finance Lease or Operating Lease?

Fully Maintained, Managed or In-House Administration? We consider:

  • Your asset risk profile
  • Cashflow and budget profile

Vehicle Selection and Lease Term

We provide:

  • Fit for purpose evaluation
  • Whole of life costs
  • Lease term comparison

Purchasing Benefits 

We will ensure that you receive all NFP/Government discount entitlements and additional discounts negotiated by NextFleet.

Ready to Order

We will manage the vehicle procurement process, including any design specification and build management required.

Features & Benefits

Combined buying benefits
  • NFP/government pricing
  • NextFleet negotiated discounts

Lease payments are usually 100% tax-deductible when the vehicle is used for business purposes.

Mitigate or eliminate your risk

You can decide to eliminate both your maintenance and residual value risk with our flexible leasing options.


Options to extend, purchase or hand the vehicle back at the end of the lease, you choose what works best for your organisation.

Free up working capital

No large capital outlay. Monthly repayments are spread over time, enabling you to have your cash working for you elsewhere across the organisation.

Ease of Budgeting

Your choice of a fixed monthly payment, or we can take on the management of your services on a recharge basis.


Free up your internal resources to invest in community services, while NextFleet takes care of your fleet.

Contact NextFleet Australia for NextLevel solutions, expertise and partnership.

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