NextFleet announces greenDrive Carbon Offset Program

Posted May 4, 2022

NextFleet is pleased to announce that it has established a Carbon Offset Program “greenDrive” in partnership with Australian Integrated Carbon (AIC)

NextFleet, Announces Program to Offset all Clients’ Fleet Emissions “greenDrive”NextFleet, Announces Program to Offset all Clients’ Fleet Emissions “greenDrive”

NextFleet is pleased to announce that it has established a Carbon Offset Program “greenDrive” in partnership with Australian Integrated Carbon (AIC) – one of the country’s leading nature-based carbon developers and Greenfleet, Australia’s most respected source of biodiverse carbon offsets, to enable its client base to take climate action by offsetting the emissions from their vehicles managed by NextFleet. 

The client-focused initiative is part of NextFleet’s path to ‘Accelerating Carbon Neutral’ which aims to drive meaningful climate action across their internal and external activities as well as their clients’ fleets. NextFleet partnered with AIC, which identified Australia’s expansive landscapes as offering significant potential to generate quality Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs). 

CEO of AIC, Adam Townley, said: “We are excited to be working in partnership with NextFleet, deploying our environmental and financial expertise to help them and their clients’ transition to a low-carbon society.

Akira Odagaki

“With road transport in Australia the third- largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, we wanted to accelerate climate action and help our clients to take immediate action.”

Ex-Managing Director and Board Member, Akira Odagaki

General Manager of Sales and Client Relationships Giulio Persichilli said, “As a NextFleet client, you will automatically be entitled to the annual Carbon Offset offering. This means you will be offsetting your vehicle’s environmental impact each year a vehicle is leased with NextFleet. Carbon Offsets will be provided with AIC and Greenfleet. We are committed to keeping 100% of the offsets in Australia. It is extremely important to us to keep them in the country in which the emissions are generated.

NextFleet valued client, Riverina Australia – a premier supplier of stock feed for the agriculture industry, was the first to be onboarded with the “greenDrive” Carbon Offset product for their fleet and said: “Climate action has never been more prevalent and pertinent for our industry. With months of talks around reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we have been continuously assessing our options to take climate action, and so when NextFleet came to us with a genuine solution for our fleet, we were delighted to be the first client to get on board. We have now offset our fleet emissions for any new vehicles with NextFleet leasing arrangement and proud to have done so with Australian Integrated Carbon (AIC)” said Riverina Managing Director David Hunter.

The Carbon Offset product is offered to NextFleet clients to enable them to reduce their fleet vehicles’ impact on the environment through Carbon Credits and Carbon Offsets, which enables clients to compensate for carbon dioxide (or other greenhouse gases) being emitted and to help towards their climate action journey.

NextFleet has already taken climate action in 2021 by offsetting 500 tonnes of carbon emissions – significantly more than their internal fleet emits, through partnering with Greenfleet on the Noosa Hinterland, Kabi Kabi project, which combines climate action with reconciliation action. Through this project, NextFleet is protecting the climate by restoring legally protected native forest, creating vital koala habitat, delivering verified social and cultural benefits for the Traditional Owners of the land, and helping replace monoculture plantations with biodiverse native ecosystems.

NextFleet is an Australia-wide fleet management and mobility solutions company and has ambitions to change the fleet management landscape in Australia through next-generation technology coupled with unparalleled service, expertise, and sustainable practices. The company is headquartered in Brisbane and operates Australia-wide servicing all states and territories.

Giulio Persichilli
GM Sales and Client Relationships

Riverina (Australia) Pty Ltd


Riverina, wholly-owned Mitsubishi Corporation subsidiary, is a premier supplier of animal feed for the agriculture industry and a leading exporter of grain and protein meals to South East Asia, the Pacific rim and other export markets.

Australian Integrated Carbon


Australian Integrated Carbon is one of the country’s leading nature-based carbon developers partnership with landholders to secure carbon revenue. Mitsubishi Corporation and its JV partner NYK, taking a 40% strategic stake in AIC earlier last year.

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